So when you thought the ‘rista scenes’ were limited to the TVCs of tea brands, the chocolate world steps in too. Generally one gets to see good ads when it comes to Cadbury but this new Perk ad is just plain irritating. It gets worse when one compares it to the advert of Dairy Milk, which is good enough. This comparison leads one to the realization that the quality of the TVCs & other advertisement mediums are directly proportional to the price of the product. From a business point of you this makes pure sense.
However, the thing that does not make sense & should not make sense is the lack of innovative ideas to promote one’s products that are allocated comparatively lower budgets. Though I don’t know what & how the budget allocations are done at Cadbury, the outright thoughtless TVC for perk brought me to this budget discrimination aspect as an observer.
This also gives a hint on the fact that the advertising agency & the company behind the product(s) are not working on the same page, something that is one of the main reasons for our industry’s mediocre output. It is one thing when the work is being done for a ‘saith sahib’ who in most of the cases not going to be interested in ideas but will be happy with the copied material that is fixated in his mind, but if similar results are seen with Cadbury & its likes then the situation gets really frustrating.